
Osteopathic primary care stresses the relationship of the practitioner to the patient and the concept that osteopathic physicians treat people, 没有疾病. 关注的是继续, 全面的, personalized care; to detection and management of illness; to prevention of disease; and to the maintenance of health in a patient-centered environment.

的 Department of 初级护理 includes the 家庭医学部, 老年医学部, 小儿科, 内科医学部, 精神科,和 海岸健康社区联盟 支持约克县.


的 家庭医学部 is the oldest clinical division of the 骨科医学院 at the University of New England. 自从它形成以来, it has taken a leadership position in the direction of the clinical learning within the 骨科医学院.

Central to that undertaking has been the involvement of community practitioners in teaching, 格言, and mentoring students with the understanding that the practice of the science of medicine begins with a firm foundation in the art of medicine and the skills of the generalist.

的 on-campus division members are supplemented by a number of practicing physicians and other practitioners. 这些人增加了他们的能力, 视角, and talents from the "real world" of medicine to the theoretical realm of the classroom. 的 result is a curriculum designed to meld the psychosocial aspects of care, 医学人文, 精神运动能力, 微分思想, and clinical skills into a 全面的 whole, preparing for future practice and ongoing skill acquisition of the lifelong learner.

的 University members of the 家庭医学部 provide classroom education for years one and two in both Osteopathic Medical Knowledge and Osteopathic Clinical Skills and also serve as the course directors for Osteopathic Medical Knowledge in year two. Faculty also provide outpatient bedside teaching through the preceptor program and on an elective basis.


Geriatrics and gerontology are areas of great importance at UNE and play multiple roles within the 骨科医学院, 整个大学, 外部社区, 在州和国家层面. This multifaceted division includes education, research, scholarship, and clinical services. 


的 小儿科 provides and coordinates classroom education in pediatrics through all four years. 的 primary location for pre-clerkship experience is Intermed in Portland, Maine. This is also a location for third- and fourth-year clerkship opportunities.


的 内科医学部 integrates the core concepts of Internal Medicine throughout the medical school curriculum primarily via the Osteopathic Medical Knowledge (OMK) courses and clinical rotations. On-campus clinical faculty provide course direction for OMK the second year and teach in both OMK and Osteopathic Clinical Skills. 的 off-campus clinical faculty includes hospitalists and office generalists who work with students to provide a range of expertise in their clerkships.


的 精神科 is responsible for not only integrating psychiatric medicine into the greater UNE COM curriculum, but is also in charge of leading the Psychiatry System as part of the second year medical knowledge course, as well as providing preceptorship experiences during any year, and supporting the development of third-year rotation sites and their educational curricula. 的 division emphasizes a 全面的 approach to mental health, with a focus on integrating mental health care into primary care medicine and also a focus on therapeutic modalities frequently encountered and used by physicians which make up a biopsychosocial approach to healthcare, 包括药理学, 心理治疗, 外科手术, 公共卫生, and community/forensic approaches to mental health. 的 division is working in conjunction with the 神经科学卓越中心 to collaborate on projects that overlap the fields of neuroscience and mental health.


海岸健康社区联盟 (CHCC) is the 公共卫生 face of the 骨科医学院, allowing it to turn its eye toward community service. 的 CHCC team provides outreach and education in chronic disease management, 营养, 预防药物滥用.


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